Poetry in Motion 

Songs are Poetry in Motion... captured with music and beautiful voices. Have you ever read the lyrics to a good song? Not repetitious, inane rock & roll lyrics (which have their own value as rhythmic relief) but a really good lyric based song that uses powerful imagery or storytelling or emotive words with meaning. There are only two types of music. Good and bad .... and that's totally subjective. You may love a song that someone else hates and vice versa but a good song is one that speaks to you in some way and reflects how you feel or think. Poetry! Let these poets, Lucky Mud, Pierce Pettis, Friction Farm, Dana Cooper, Achilles Wheel, Beaucoup Blue and Rebekah Pulley, speak to you with their music. Then let them know how you feel about the song that speaks to your soul. 

Peace..... Maggie & Mike.   Lucky Mud 

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