Time for Love 

Stop the hate! We don't have time for meaness and bitterness. It's time for love! Love can fix anything. If you have the blues, love can fix it. If you have a broken heart, love can fix it. If you're in despair, love can fix it. Love is the end all... be all... it is the answer to every question and ill in the world. You just have to open your heart and your mind and let love in. These songs can help guide you to all of the goodness and love in the world. I equate music with love. Paul Kamm & Eleanore MacDonald, Tom Kimmel, Sarah Mac Band, Bill Scorzari, Al Scortino, Buddy Mondlock, The New 76ers and Pierce Pettis share these songs of love and loss and everything in between. Open your heart and let love in and then share the love with these artists..... and your friends... and tell them how you feel. 

Always in love, Maggie & Mike     Lucky Mud 

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